Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Psalm 18 - Part 1

Psalm 18, a "Royal Thanksgiving for Victory," is a long celebration of God's might bringing military victory to the king.  It is tempting to dismiss, but we all have someone or something that we struggle against, sometimes mightily. We know evil is in our world and we are reminded daily of the destruction being left in its wake. I return to Nan C. Merrill. I have taken liberties with her rendition, but I believe she would understand. 
"I call upon You, Heart of my heart, 
singing praises to your Name, 
and fear no longer holds me. 
The demons of darkness assailed me, 
the blindness of ignorance led me astray; 
The shadows of fear paralyzed me, 
the anguish of loneliness confronted me. 
In my distress I called out to You, 
O Gracious One; 
to You I cried for help. 
You heard my voice, O Loving Presence, 
You harkened to my cry.   
Then did You, O Divine Presence,  
show unto me a vision; 
the earth reeled and rocked; 
the foundations of the mountains trembled
and quaked, as if to slough off 
the ravages of destruction 
perpetrated by greedy hands. 
On the wings of the wind, You did come, 
with a darkness a covering 
around You, 
a canopy of thick clouds 
dark with water. 
Out of the brightness before You
there broke through the clouds
 hailstones, coals of fire 
lept from the mountaintops. 
As your voice uttered in the heavens, 
thunder and lightning stormed the earth; 
like arrows from a bow, 
the people scattered.  
Yet, there was no safe haven, 
no hiding place from fear. 
Then the channels of the sea were seen, 
and the foundations of the world laid bare.
The earth gave a mighty shudder 
then settled down to heal in the Silence. 
O Holy One, You see the intentions of my heart; 
As I surrender to your love, 
I grow in peace and gratitude. 
For to lose my life is to find Life;  
O keep me steadfast in love."
Psalm 18, Psalms for Praying, Nan C. Merrill  
More tomorrow.  I need at least two days for this Psalm.  

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