Tuesday, May 14, 2024


 Despite the fact that yesterday morning was grey and a little chilly and that I was congested and sniffly, I spent some time in both our front and back gardens - doing some watering, trimming, and pulling weeds. Again, I was reminded that there is healing to be found in a garden. As I walked in and between these fairly small spaces I greeted the bees and blossoms. As I did so, calmness began to take root in me. I forgot I was kind of cold and was pulling out a tissue out of my pocket every few minutes. Just before I came back inside I paused and realized that while yes, I know there are incredibly beautiful places in the world, and yes, I do want to do a little more traveling in the future, I am not sure I will find a place that offers me more peace than where I am right now. Such contentment has been long in coming. I think I have always feared contentment, confusing it with complacency. Today, I am not willing to sacrifice the peace of this moment for the restlessness of thinking there may be something more "out there". There surely is. I may even experience some of it. Yet, today, I have enough.

I pray that the seemingly unrelenting hunger and greed of the world's aggressors be abated by their realization that when everyone is allowed the chance to savor enough, there can be peace. We will then be able to hear the earth's song of love and wisdom once more. 


image: the peaks and valleys of a neighbor's rose.  April 2024

Thursday, May 9, 2024

There Are Days (in case you have not noticed)

 I needed to see this today. I may not be the only one.  

"Be gentle with yourself. Be kind to yourself.
You may not be perfect, but you are all you've got to work with.
The process of becoming who you will be
begins first with the total acceptance of who you are."

~ Bhante Henepola Gunaratana
With gratitude to Claudia Cummins, who understands sometimes a poem  or meditation is needed.


The photograph was taken a few years ago. Nasturtiums are blooming again.  Spring continues.