Friday, November 20, 2015

Psalm 132

Psalms for Praying
Nan C. Merrill  
Enter into the Silence, into the
Heart of Truth;
For herein lies the Great Mystery
where life is ever unfolding;
herein the Divine Plan is made known,
the Plan all are invited to serve. 
Listen for the music of the Holy Word
in the resounding Silence of the universe.
May balance and harmony be your aim
as you are drawn into the
Heart of Love.  
Yesterday, I came across what I call a lingering poem.  One of those poems that stays with you, and you find yourself returning to it.  I have been mulling over the line, "I am waiting to be found."   A few days ago I walked into an activity room of a community that serves those with chronic mental illness.  We are often welcomed exuberantly in that sanctuary where a lot of effort goes into giving bodies and minds a sense of peace.  When I crossed the threshold, I saw Sarah, who has terrible tremors and can be very difficult to understand.  That frustrates her for she has much to say.  Yet, in the midst of the whirl of movement and sound, I heard her say quite clearly, "Welcome back!"   In those brief moments of clarity, I always sense Jesus.  I took her hand, a bit like reaching out to a caged bird in flight, and simply said thank you.  A moment of stillness for us both. Then the flight was underway once more. 
I Am Not Old

 I am not old…she said
I am rare.
I am the standing ovation
At the end of the play....
I am the retrospective
Of my life as art
I am the hours
Connected like dots
Into good sense
I am the fullness
Of existing.
You think I am waiting to die…
But I am waiting to be found
I am a treasure.
I am a map.
And these wrinkles are
Imprints of my journey
Ask me anything.

- Samantha Reynolds     

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