Friday, July 24, 2015

Found in a Day

This morning I mentioned to Tyler, "I feel like I lost a day somewhere."  However, he was getting ready to go to a meeting and I was getting ready to go to a skilled nursing community so we did not continue the conversation.  When I arrived at the community, the activity director looked surprised and said, "Oh, I forgot you were coming!  This is a good group for you to meet with anyway.  I will go get John."  

I had seen John when I first walked in, and was glad to see him.  He loves to talk about faith. His father had been a preacher in the African Methodist Church, and John said his mother was also very well educated.  "As the oldest, I was expected to learn to converse with my mother, and learn to preach from my father.  It was a pretty good deal for me."  
As we began to gather around the table, I suggested we talk about Jesus.   Several folks said they would like that. I decided to talk about Matthew 14, when both Jesus and Peter walk on water.  Anita, who has told me that she has always struggled with a learning disability, surprised me when she said, "I have always wondered if that story was true."   We then proceeded to talk about learning to swim, and how fear made us sink, and how wonderful it was to have someone close by as we paddled.  How surprised we were to learn we could float with little effort once we were no longer afraid.   
I then asked John what his favorite story about Jesus was, and he replied, "When Jesus promised that we would be given an advocate."  We then talked about the gifts of love and wisdom and guidance and how those gifts were for every one of us.  Teresa asked quietly, "Even me?"
"Oh, yes," John and I replied in unison.   Anita added, "Isn't that wonderful?" Teresa said she had to agree.     

We then sang a bit, and their voices were surprisingly strong.  Even those who could not speak.  I could hear them singing as they smiled and nodded their heads. 

After our closing prayer, I mentioned to John that I missed him last month.  He asked, "What day did you come?"  I replied that I came on a Saturday. He replied that he was not here on most Saturdays because of dialysis.

I became worried. "But today is a Saturday." I was concerned that somehow he had missed an important appointment. He laughed and said that no, today was Friday.  I happened to look up and see a digital clock that also included the date.  Seems today is indeed Friday.  
I could not help but ask, "You mean we have had this wonderful conversation, shared prayers and singing, and I came on the wrong day?"  There was much laughter, and Anita said, "Oh, do not worry. You get used to it.  Besides, I think you came on the right day. You brought us Jesus."  

Afterwards, I went to the activity director to apologize for interrupting her work.  She, too, replied, "Do not worry.  I don't think they liked my project anyway. I heard you all singing all the way down the hall!"
The gift of a day.  I am grateful.   
I heard Jesus ask, "Why did you doubt?"   Matthew 14:31 

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