Monday, May 8, 2017

Give It a Rest

Due to some form of cold/flu/bronchitis that Tyler and I both have at the moment, we are having to do some rescheduling. ​When I think of these delays as an interruption to my plans, it can get frustrating. Suddenly, I fear that I am not efficient, that somehow I am not living life to the fullest. How we think we should be living will always be a trap, and I think I know this in my heart of hearts, or in the mind under the mind. Fortunately, we have been given the gift of prayer. When the mind quiets, we can again know that we are more than our plans and worries, and that we can simply reside in the nowness of God.  It is estimated that the average mind will think about 50,000 thoughts a day, many of them a repeat from the day before. I get tired just thinking about that. The brain is powerful, more than we know, but sometimes we need to give it a rest. Of these 50,000 thoughts, how many of them are truly useful, loving, and life giving? 

It often seems as if we rush through life at such high speed while in our heart there is the essential interior flame of being. Our rushing often brings it to the point of extinction. But when we sit down to meditate, in stillness and simplicity, the flame begins to burn brightly and steadily. As we abandon thinking in terms of success and self-importance, the light of the flame helps us to understand ourselves and others in terms of light, warmth and love.


John Main, Word Made Flesh 

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