Friday, May 12, 2017


After my first service yesterday, I took a few minutes to enjoy a pollinator friendly garden close to where I parked. It is actually the front garden of an apartment building, and I have enjoyed watching the transformation of this space. These plants are quite large; I am sure they are over six feet tall, and almost just as wide, and yesterday they were in full bloom with pollen in abundance. It was a little chilly and breezy, so I did not see any pollinators, but I reveled in the beauty and the exuberant number of  blossoms. As I stepped away, I noticed I had pollen on my shirt and pants.  As I brushed off my clothes, I thought, "Well, I guess that makes me the pollinator!" I am a poor substitute, but it was a joyful reminder of this ancient, life giving process.  
Brother Victor in his Blessings of the Daily writes lovingly of gardening and the importance of tending to the garden so that the monks and guests of the monastery can be fed throughout the year. I have learned that the patron saint of gardening is St. Fiacre. As a Protestant, I know far too little about the saints, but was delighted to discover some photographs of statues where he is depicted holding a shovel and sometimes a basket of flowers and herbs.     
Blessings on your day. As you can tell, I am feeling better, but today, I shall forego trying to sing.  Even for we very ordinary singers, returning to full voice is a process that simply refuses to be rushed. Yes, I will one day learn this lesson. 

Thank you for all you good wishes and prayers.    

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