Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Morning Questions, Part 2

The poem below was based on a dream I had in June, 2019. The only reason I remember it is because it popped up on Facebook. I am grateful. I don't remember writing and posting this, but the memory is sparked and I remember this fish.  Early this morning I dreamed that I had just jumped out of an airplane.  A companion was with me.  I guess we were falling, but what I remember is that we were holding hands and floating. The air was gently moving all around us.  I felt supported.  The parachute had not yet been opened, but neither one of us seemed afraid. I remember smiling.  I neither hear nor see the airplane, but we did have old-fashioned aviator helmets on our heads.  
There is so much strife and sorrow right now and for too many, gentleness and support seem elusive.  I was thinking that perhaps I was through with writing; I had nothing pertinent to say to the struggle of the times.  Yet, this morning I think that we all can dream, and sometimes we just might dream for all.      

Morning Questions
I dreamed of a fish
covered with expertly
placed glinty scales.
With bright eyes wide open
it moved silently through
the glittery waters.
Light was everywhere.
I woke thinking of
Apostle Paul's
knowing we are
clothed in Christ.
Can I really move so freely,
donned in such light,
breathing in and breathing out,
going only where the river
takes me,
trusting in that great flow?
Really, where and how else
could I possibly go?
say, June 2019  

"... for in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith. As many of you as were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ."
Galatians 3:26-27 

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