Saturday, November 30, 2019

Expanding the Journey

This morning I have been pondering the following  statement from The Yoga of Jesus, Understanding the Hidden Teachings of the Gospel by Paramahansa Yogananda, compiled by the Self-Realization Fellowship.  Yogananda lived on this earth from 1893-1952.  When he wrote of humankind, he used the then accepted term "man".  With much respect, I have altered that use slightly.  As we begin our Advent journey, let us let us give our souls some breathing room for expansion.  I know I, too often, try to grow small.  Such reduction is not the way;  we are on a journey to the Christ within, a love that knows no boundaries.       
Recognition of the immanence of God can begin as simply as expanding one's love in an ever-widening circle.  We condemn ourselves to limitation whenever we we think soley of our own little self, our own family, our own nation.  Inherent in the evolution of nature and humanity back to God is the process of expansion. The exclusivity of family consciousness - "us four and no more" - is wrong. To shut out the larger family of humanity is to shut out the Infinite Christ. One who disconnects from the happiness and welfare of others has already condemned his or her self by isolation from the Spirit that pervades all souls,  for those who do not extend themselves  in love and service to God in others disregards the redeeming power of connection with the universality of Christ. Each human being has been given the power to do good; if we fail to utilize that attribute, our level of spiritual evolution is little better than the instinctive self-interest of the animal (page 66).      
As I write this, our dog is curled up beside me.  I had to laugh as I reflected on the last sentence.  We adopted Jack through a rescue group about a decade ago.  He is still very much a "We are a family; we don't need anyone else," sort of creature.  What I cannot laugh about is whatever trauma he experienced before coming to us. Humanity still has a way to go.  Yet, that is the gift of Advent - a reminder that the journey is ultimately one of love, and love heals.  

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