Thursday, February 22, 2018

Psalm 82

Given the recent events, not only in our nation but across the world, I have decided to include Psalm 82 in its entirety. The title of Lynn C. Bauman's translations seems appropriate for this Psalm. The cries for wisdom, justice, and compassion are indeed ancient songs sung anew.    
God comes as judge of all to heaven's court,
and stands among the counselors of eternity; 
Now listen to the verdict as God speaks:
"How long will all your judgments be unjust? 
How long will all the advantage go 
to those most powerful and corrupt?" 
Hear this, I say: "Save lowly ones, rescue orphans, 
defend the humble and all the destitute of earth. 
Reach out to liberate the weak and poor, 
deliver them before they fall as evil's prey. 
You do not know, nor do you understand, 
you grope so blindly in the dark
while all around your world is torn from limb to limb. 
Hear this and listen carefully to what I'm about to say, 
You yourselves are gods, 
all of you are born from deity. 
However, I have made you live and die as mortal beings, 
but live and die as kings and queens, I say, 
who rise and wisely rule the earth, 
for it is yours to govern as you will."   
Psalm 82
Ancient Songs Sung Anew 
Lynn C. Bauman 


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