Sunday, February 4, 2018

Psalm 80

During Lent I hope to be a bit more diligent about reading a Psalm a day.  The more I delve into them, the more I have come to treasure Lynn C. Bauman's translations. It is an interesting experience to take the Psalms as they come to me, rather than seeking  one that might fit my mood.  At times I very much feel God's hand directing me, and I feel Jesus' presence as well for he, too, read the Psalms. I am grateful for the company.  

There are some wonderful images of cherubim online so do peruse when you have a moment.  I just remembered that I  had a dream last night of a very large bird with wings outstretched. On its face, between its eye and beak was a spiral. The feathers were so wonderfully detailed and his wingspan was huge.  I do wish I had the skills to draw it well.  Why did this winged creature come to me last night? The answer is not yet known.  I remember no interaction with this creature,  but because he did not look directly at me, I could see the spiral clearly.  That seems to be the message for today, but it will take some pondering and living to understand it.   
Wishing you all a restorative day. Celebrate the mystery.         
Listen, O shepherd of humanity, 
leading your people like a flock, 
let your splendor come flashing forth, 
And shine in beauty from the throne 
that rides on the wings of cherubim. 
Rise up, come strong 
among our tribes and clans, 
and with your overflowing love, 
Recall us back to life, O God of all, 
that we may see the shining brilliance 
of your face.
Yes, that will be enough for us, 
for we will be restored to you again.   
Psalm 80:1-3
Ancient Songs Sung Anew 
Lynn C. Bauman 



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