Tuesday, January 30, 2024

A Dream of Sky

 I admit that I rose reluctantly this morning. I was waking from a dream that I was not ready to leave. In the dream two friends, Tyler, and I were travelling down a road in our neighbor's pickup truck. Our neighbor was driving and Tyler was sitting in the front. The other friend and I were sitting comfortably in the backseat of this fairly large truck. Snow was everywhere, including on the road, but the road was smooth and stable. Our neighbor was driving slowly, but with steady confidence. No one else was out and about, but there were a few vehicles left by the side of the road. The land was white and very quiet. Ahead of us (not overhead for we were in daylight) was a beautiful midnight blue sky. Also straight ahead was a faint crescent moon, fairly high in the midnight blue sky, and some stars. Suddenly, there were long, thin golden strands of light falling in that beautiful sky. We were awestruck. No one said a word. 

Our road ended in a fork, but neither fork went anywhere. It was as if we had been led to this wondrous sky of moon, stars, and light. The long strands of golden light were still falling. 
The dream then shifted and we were in a small building. Our neighbor and Tyler were singing from a hymnal. I was looking for another copy. My friend who sat next to me was putting sheets of paper on the otherwise bare white walls. The paper was decorated like the sky, including the golden strands. 
I woke with the hymn, "Seek Ye First" in my mind. While I cannot say for sure that this was the hymn in my dream, it does seem to be an answer to a prayer that was in my heart in the middle of the night.
When I finally opened my eyes and got up, the waning gibbous moon was in the western sky.  Clouds appeared to be moving across it. Because of the moon's shape, it looked like it was pouring itself into the clouds. Then, the light in all directions turned a brilliant pink as the sun rose in the east.  For a moment, even the moon looked pink.
 Yes, worth getting up for.  
"Seek ye first the kingdom of God, 
and God's righteousness, 
and all these things shall be added unto you, 
Allelu, alleluia."

Karen Lafferty, Chalice Hymnal 

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