Moving into Divine Unity is the highest prayer,
and it reaches down to your deepest needs.
it brings your soul to life,
it brings you more of life's fullness,
and your life expands with grace and strength.
This attitude of prayer
aligns most easily with your nature,
and it requires the least effort to achieve,
for it is simply what your soul already craves,
and what it shall always crave
until you truly understand
that you are wrapped in Divine Unity:
the goodness of God.
Hazelnuts from Julian of Norwich
Meditations on Divne Love , page 100
Ellyn Sanna
photograph: San Leandro, May 2019
God speaks to us gently and lovingly. Let us tune our hearts to hear that voice which speaks not the language of harsh criticism and judgement, but only of love. This is a time of learning the language of the soul. Let us practice such soul-speak. Let us practice love. Gratitude is a fine starting place as we learn to utter these new sounds rising gently from our depths.
Love to you today, and always.