Saturday, June 8, 2024


Yesterday,  I decided to walk away from my frustrations. Trying to stare them down was doing me no good. I picked up my flute and went into the backyard. As I let the notes rise, I looked up and saw this iris blooming in the sun. I was so touched by the simplicity of the moment, and even through the sound of many comings and goings was all around me, I remember only silence. When I play outside, I often get a deep sense of belonging to and in this life, and I fall in love with God once more. 

"You’ll always reach the end of how you thought your life would go. You’ll reach it many, many times. What looks like the low point is also the high point. What looks like the end is always the beginning.
Finding faith may seem impossible in your darkest times, but like the earth’s eternal orbit and the sun’s ceaseless shine, impossible things happen all the time.
You may be lost right now, but after days, months, even years in the wilderness, you will be found alive. Completely, joyously, miraculously alive."

~ Karen Maezen Miller-- 



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