Monday, September 25, 2023

Good Light

 I do believe that most, if not all, of humanity's discord comes from a lack of compassion for ourselves.  When this happens, we carry that lack of compassion with us and project it on all of life. 

The light is beautiful this morning, and I think I shall go out in it.
Love and blessings to you all this morning and always. 
"Some say that my teaching is nonsense.
Others call it lofty but impractical.
But to those who have looked inside themselves,
this nonsense makes perfect sense.
And to those who put it into practice,
this loftiness has roots that go deep.

I have just three things to teach:
simplicity, patience, compassion.
These three are your greatest treasures.

Simple in actions and in thoughts,
you return to the source of being.
Patient with both friends and enemies,
you accord with the way things are.
Compassionate toward yourself,
you reconcile all beings in the world."

~ Lao Tzu 
First Sip 

image: This image is mine, and I am sure I have shared it before. I randomly pulled an image from my files, and this one came up. It always makes me smile.

Thursday, September 14, 2023

A Poem To Hold On To

 While I am not feeling particularly sorrowful this morning, we all have those times when we are. I love this poem, and I think it is worth keeping close by. Not to avoid feeling the sorrow, but to hold it respectfully, and listen to its teachings. 

Much love to you all.  

"Wave of sorrow,
Do not drown me now:

I see the island
Still ahead somehow.

I see the island
And its sands are fair:

Wave of sorrow,
Take me there."

~ Langston Hughes
First Sip

image: Potato tree in my backyard. No, I have no idea why it is called that. One very territorial carpenter bee has claimed it for its own.