Saturday, August 31, 2024

The Eyes Have It

Some months ago we replaced the deteriorating fence  
between our house and a neighbor's. 
His side now has a board near the top
that runs the entire length. 
It has been turned 
into a squirrel highway 
and is run with 
great intention.
Yesterday, I looked out our south window 
that overlooks this highway 
and spotted a squirrel with a 
green walnut in its mouth. 
It paused and turned toward me.  
I stared; our beady eyes locked. 
Forgetting that a closed double paned window 
separated us, I said in my sternest voice, 
intent on showing that I was experienced in 
the wily way of squirrels,  
"Don't plant that in my yard."   
The squirrel continued to stare, 
walnut in mouth, 
I do not think  
my land claim was believed.    
I, too, continued to stare with my 
biggest squirrel sized eyes, 
and repeated myself, again forgetting 
I probably could not be heard. Then again 
I am not certain words really touch 
the minds of squirrels, but words were 
pretty much all that I had at the moment, 
(Well, pretty much in any given moment). 
I had already spent some time in the front yard 
and noticed there had been a fair amount of digging.
I stood resolute. 
With a flick of the tail, the highway squirrel turned 
and briskly continued on 
a journey that refused to be deterred.      
I thought nothing more about it 
until I went to the backyard 
sometime later.  
There, on the stairs, on the second step, 
a green walnut had been placed.  
Laughing, I brought the offering in.  
The biggest surprise? 
Its sweet scent, like flowers.  
This morning, the scent is gone. 
The smile remains, 
as does the highway, though 
the traffic has not started.
 A wily squirrel indeed.
Maybe it was my eyes.   

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