Tuesday, August 13, 2024

A Dream of Light

 In the dream I am walking on a path. The light reminds me of late twilight.  A man, tall and lean, crosses the path before me. He does not look at me. I see that he is carrying a small light. At first I think it is only a burning match, but I then see that he carries, not a match, but a small light encased in glass.  I also remember a small, still body of water by the path.  He would have walked over it to cross my path. 

I have dreamt of this man before, but it has been quite awhile since he has appeared (The last time he appeared he was in the form of fire. I believe I met him on this same path. The light was much the same.) Yesterday I told a friend about this recent dream. She suggested that I ask him where he wants me to go. Before I went to sleep last night I posed that question.    
I dreamed that I met the mother of a friend. In the dream she smiles and hands me a beautiful wooden flute. She also has one, and we play together.  She laughs so easily that I, too, can laugh.  In the dream I am happy. 
Yet, this morning I think of my own mother with sadness, and I feel the emptiness that I think has been with me for a long time. Perhaps it is to that emptiness where I am being led, to that part of me that my mother was simply not able to fill. I must remember that space is sacred. I must not rush to fill it because it is a space to inhabit. It is a place where love lives. I do not want  to crowd that out.   
"May I be content to wait in peace, 
until You stir the waters within to act;
may I be patient with myself
and with others. 
O that I may have the light of wisdom, 
the steadfastness of faith....
Guide me now, O Blessed One, 
along the path of peace."   

from Psalm 105 from Psalms for Praying by Nan C. Merrill  
For this meditation I changed Merrill's  plural pronouns to singular. 
Photograph was taken in my backyard, March 2023    



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