Monday, September 9, 2024

Key of A

I spent some time today                                                          watering plants and doing some trimming, 

waving at the mail carrier, saying hello to a couple 

of neighbors, and giving thanks 

for the cool morning and the sunlight 
and the water that still generously flows from the faucet. 
Yes, that is a lot to be thankful for. 
This afternoon, I paused, and decided I would 
play my new wood flute outside because 
I do believe that is where flutes like to be, 
even when the playing is still uneven.  
As I played a breeze came up and sounded her own notes 
through the open holes. 
I dared not budge; the sound 
was a whisper, too easy to disturb.   
The tree leaves added their rattles 
and the windchimes, never shy, 
 raucously joined in.    
Life will breathe and sing with us if we let it.
Why do we so often choose otherwise?     
Perhaps if we listen we can even hear the birds sighing 
as they settle into a quiet refrain: 
"Ahh...finally I do not have to do all the singing,
I, too, can sit and listen and give thanks 
for the wind that carried me here." 
Holy Spirit, always moving, always breathing, 
always gathering us in.     

say, September 2024
High Spirits Flute, Key of A 

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