Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Drawing Near

I received the following quote from Rabbi Yael (jewishmindfulness.org) on January 6. There is much I do not know about Jewish faith and traditions. However, I have now learned that vayigash means "and he drew near."   

From Rabbi Yael: 

This week’s Torah portion, vayigash, says to us:
The design of our lives takes shape beyond anything we can ever understand.
Instead of trying to figure it all out,
Instead of trying to make rational sense of all the twists and turns,
Our task is to notice the ways the strands of our lives are woven together
And seek to meet each moment
With Truth, Forgiveness and Love.  
Last month, I saw Stephen for the first time in awhile.  We took one another's hand and he told me that his dialysis appointments had been changed so he was not able to attend worship right now.  He then said, "I pray for your ministry. Is there anything else I can do for you?"  In that moment, I understood a little more about generosity.  There is so much we cannot control.  However, we are given little moments of simply being in the presence of one another. When we have only our hearts to share, there we find Christ who has generously been with us all along.  

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