Thursday, November 5, 2015

Psalm 120

Psalms for Praying
Nan C. Merrill
In my distress I cry to You,
that You may come quickly
to comfort me;
"Be strong in me, that I might
face the darkness,
the despair that rises up
from the depths."  
One of my first services of the month takes place in a rehab hospital.  I continue to be surprised how noisy rehab hospitals can be, and I wonder about those who spend their last months and even years in those environments.  However, in this particular community, the pianist and I come at 4:00 p.m. when things begin to settle down.         
In our service this month was a woman who was suffering some anxiety.  She kept repeating that  she really needed to go home.  I talked to her a bit and invited her to stay for worship.  She accepted a song sheet, and as we began to sing, I realized that she had a lovely singing voice. After every hymn she quietly said, "How beautiful."  The pianist who joins me here has a light touch which works well for this gentle group. As it often happens here, I felt a sense of peace settling around us.      
This is to me what healing is about - being healed into the moment.  I left thinking that if I were in skilled nursing how much I would value a time to pray, sing, listen to scripture and to celebrate communion at the end of the day.  A time when the tv is turned off.  A moment when no one is checking my blood sugar or my heart rate or coaxing me to take my medication.  A time when the migrating groups of young student nurses have moved on.  A time to be in community a little differently. A time to age with grace and find my home in God. 
Let evening come upon us
and bring your peace, O Lord.
Let hearts be stilled in quiet
and listen to your Word.
Let day sink into nighttime
and darkness close around.
We lift our hearts to praise you,
to seek and to be found.
Let us be gathered into one
and inner turmoil end.
Lord, calm our restless spirits now,
and gentle rest descend.  
Judith Brower. O.S.B.  

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